Thursday, February 3, 2011

The World's Oppressing Eyes

Everyday is a challenge. Especially when one is facing the judgment of the world. The world places gives us so many conflicting messages...they tell you to "embrace who you are" and to "revel in your individual beauty." And yet, so many of us feel we need to embody the word "perfect." That we need to look or feel a certain way, that the way we are now just isn't good enough to give. I hate it whenever I do my best (for there is no try - only do or don't), there is someone constantly tearing me down. It could be Satan, it could be my own personal demons, it could be whatever negative force is out there. But the fact is...I'm the only one who has control over whether I'm going to let them bring me down with their negative comments about my appearance, my personality, whatever. It's entirely psychological - it's all about how we interpret the stares, the subtle comments, everything. My father, bless his heart, always told me that, "Everyone's opinion of you is none of your business." When I first heard him say that, I thought he was crazy. But then it got me to think - how many of us base our self-worth and self-image on the comments of others? I definitely take the time out of my day to self-evaluate. I can safely say I do not embody the word perfect, and I really don't intend to in this lifetime. I don't follow the world's standards at all - I'm definitely not a size 0, I'm a five-foot wonder, and I have no idea who I am just yet. But I always ask myself these questions: Do I think I'm good enough? Do I do enough for myself? Success only comes from self-fulfillment. Just be happy with who you are. I know this isn't entirely original, but it makes life so much easier when you don't give a crap about what the rest of the world thinks of you. We have enough burdens to carry in life - why do we need to add the weight of the world on our shoulders?

So everyday I try to write down five positive things about the previous day. It helps keep up a positive attitude! :) So here are my five positive things (I will try to keep them as generic as possible) and maybe encourage you, dear blog readers, to write down your own list of positives. It does wonders for your mental state FO SHO! :)

Five Positive Things about Feb 2, 2011
1. When you need the help, the Lord will always provide a way for you to get it
2. I made somebody smile
3. I made a new friend during an intramural soccer game
4. I was able to FINALLY get some sleep (oh the life of a college student...)
5. My roommates are so amazing and supportive

I also wish to rant about my roommates. You could never find anyone better than they are. We are all from the same general area, and yet we are so different. That diversity is priceless and I would never give it away. THAT would just be stupid. It's an entirely new support system. When you first start out college, you're scared to death. You're afraid that you won't like your roommates, they will distract you, they're going to be mean, and the list goes on and on. However, I lucked out. There have been several times throughout the year that I've been less than ideal (TO SAY THE LEAST) to be around. But they always have my back. These are the invaluable sister bonds I have sought to make, and I intend to keep for the rest of my life. I only wish they knew how much I love them and how dear they are to my heart - I don't think words can accurately describe just the way I feel about them.

I wish you all the best! Have a wonderful day!


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